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Mark Groves

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Mark Groves is a Human Connection Specialist, Founder of Cre

How our mind can play tricks on us when we are in an unhealthy relationship Why struggle sparks creativity; unlock and unblock your creativity & purpose Is social media hurting your relationships and your creativity? Compassion is one of the highest forms of love, and we NEED it to eliminate suffering Why anxious and avoidant attachment styles attract The beautiful duality of human beings Unconscious manipulation in relationships The secrets to real love The dangers of dating for potential... Are you abandoning yourself in and for your relationship? Are you codependent? Stop ignoring red flags in dating to compromising for connection! The journey to true transformation The #1 Killer of Love Can you have a healthy relationship with social media? Has a guy ever told you he is different, he is a "good guy"? This is for you... The truth about love bombing The truth about toxic femininity A key mindset shift for entrepreneurs How to monetize your mind Love mirrors childhood wounds? What is your depression telling you? How do you let go? Ready to stop feeling like a victim? Become an author of your life! The reason why our world and humanity is suffering so much right now... If you don't live out your dreams you WILL get sick This is preventing you from following your dream... The reason we are more angry and unkind as a species today… How to heal your autoimmune conditions by healing your nervous system The best healing modality for trauma and anxiety This is why you aren't attracting the partner you want... How do you get the fierce love you desire? Start to appreciate everything that got you to this moment, this opportunity for change Create the life you truly want before it's too late The journey of healing from infidelity and how betrayal can sometimes strengthen love... Why you aren't happy...and how you can change that Stop dating for potential! If you are extra sensitive and emotional right now, listen to this! This is why you are attracted to toxic people and allow toxic relationships into your life Stop taking on your partner's problems, heal your codependency This is why you are codependent and how you can break that pattern This is why you keep ending up in situationships This is how you create space for the RIGHT partner to come into your life This is the secret to your liberation...and it might not be what you think You have one precious life, stop waiting!! Stop making yourself small for others!! Your expectations are killing your relationship Why we unconsciously choose to be in relationship with people who trigger us...