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Diary Of The Childfree

3.85K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Welcome to the Diary of the Childfree where we share unapolo

#childfreebychoice #childfree #childfreelife #shorts #shorts #childfreebychoice #childfree #childfree #shorts #childfreebychoice #childfree #shorts #childfreebychoice Too late! #childfreebychoice #shorts Sorry, but tacos are calling my name! 😋 #shorts #shorts #childfreebychoice Ain’t no way! #shorts #childfreebychoice #childfree #shorts #childfreebychoice Laughs in Childfree #shorts #childfreebychoice Cheers! 🥂 #shorts Of course… #shorts 👀 #shorts Not my type of bingo. #shorts “wHaT iF yOuR hUsBaNd WaNtS cHiLdReN?” #shorts Oh no…#shorts 🥪🥪🥪 #shorts You sure about that? 🤨 #shorts I Don’t Need A Baby To Be Happy! #shorts Nothing but coffee, the sweet sound of silence and good vibes. #shorts 👀👀👀 #shorts I love my “childfree personality”. #shorts Hard pass to those things any day! 🙅🏼‍♀️ #shorts You’ve gotta make your own kind of music. ✌🏻 #shorts Want a trophy? 🏆 #shorts #shorts Sorry Not Sorry! #shorts #shorts You Thought! 😉 #shorts Married WithOUT Children! #shorts We’re not just kidding around or going through some kind of fad; being childfree is for life! #short It’s a trap and misery loves company. 🙅🏼‍♀️ #shorts Anything but THAT! 🙅🏼‍♀️ #shorts It’s not rocket science. 🚀 #shorts Let me introduce myself. 😉 #shorts So can I ding dong ditch at your door if it doesn’t work out? #shorts Based on the worlds current lifestyle choices and consumerism, we’re over populated. #shorts What can I say…it’s a harsh world. 🤷🏼‍♀️ #short Uh, not sure what I’m supposed to do with that information but congrats! 👍 #shorts Ain’t no hood like otherhood. #shorts I’m happy you think that, but I don’t. End of story. 👏 #shorts Wait…you mean it’s a choice!? It’a a joke but not really. 👀 #shorts Don’t Forget! #shorts You do you and I’ll do me! ✌🏻#shorts