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Diary Of The Childfree

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Welcome to the Diary of the Childfree where we share unapolo

Diary Of The Childfree
6 days ago - 154 likes

*sips tea* ☕️

Diary Of The Childfree
1 month ago - 105 likes

What’s been your childfree weekend to do list? 🫶🏻

Diary Of The Childfree
1 month ago - 30 likes

No YouTube video tomorrow - I just found out today was Wednesday (busy long weekend problems). I’ll post two videos for next week! 👏

Diary Of The Childfree
1 month ago - 117 likes

There are far more concerning things going on in the world, just saying.

Diary Of The Childfree
1 month ago - 105 likes

It’s not that childfree people are showing off…

…It’s that we are showing how we are still people, a human being, and have a purpose along with fulfillment despite society telling us that we will be miserable otherwise.

What we share are the key components of our enjoyments, passions, and what makes “us” us.

Diary Of The Childfree
1 month ago - 129 likes

Don’t tell me I’m lucky I don’t have kids or that I’m lucky I can do ‘X,Y, and Z’…

…we all have choices and our lives are a reflection of them.

Diary Of The Childfree
2 months ago - 100 likes

Our golden girl Betty White:

“I had to make a major decision with myself because I just don’t think you can do both: try to have a baby, career, and raise it, and have a baby and raise it. And to try to do justice to either one. It was a very concious decision on my part not to have children- which I have never regretted.”.

Diary Of The Childfree
2 months ago - 68 likes

We’ve always been around, the only difference that makes it more “modern” is that now we have a greater ability to make our voices heard, share our experiences, concerns, and frustrations in a way that some past women likely dreamed of.

Diary Of The Childfree
2 months ago - 67 likes

Hello! I just wanted to let you all know I plan on taking a mental break for the rest of the month in regards to making/posting YouTube videos!

March to April has flown by and I’m behind on a lot of things that I really need to catch up on. I always want to bring you guys the best content and I have great topics in the works but they require time to plan and sometimes research; and currently time is not on my side.

Diary Of The Childfree
2 months ago - 49 likes
