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Simon Warner

43 subscribers - no pronouns set

Over 50 Workout and weight management motivation. This is wh

Weighted Chest Dips with 100 Pounds (45 kgs) #weightedcalisthenics Weighted Pull-up Drop Set #weightedcalisthenics #calisthenics Bodyweight Dips and Row 200m x 20 Rounds #calisthenics Weighted Chain Dips ( 70 pounds) #weightedcalisthenics #weighteddips Weighted Dip Fail with 95 Pounds (43 kg) of Added Weight #weightedcalisthenics #over50workout Weighted Dip With 70 Pound (32 kg) Kettlebell #weightedcalisthenics #over50 Pull-up Fail with 95 Pounds (43 kgs) Added Weight From Dead Hang #weightedcalisthenics Goblet Squats (30 Pounds x10) and 200m Row x 20 sets #weightedcalisthenics Pull-up Fail With 116.8 Pounds (53kg) of Added Weights #weightedcalisthenics Back Extensions with 30 Pounds of Added Weight For A Strong Lower Back #posteriorchain Body Rows (10) and 53 Pound Kettlebell Swings (10) x 10 Rounds #fatlossworkout 10 Kettlebell Swings (70 Pounds) and 300m Row for 10 Rounds #fatlossworkout Extended Range Pushups (20) and 400M Row x 10 rounds #calisthenics Mechanical Drop Set of Pushups (Bodyweight Bodybuilding) #calisthenics Single Arm Lying Triceps Extension on Incline Bench #growyourtriceps Weighted Dips Triple Drop Set #weightedcalisthenics One Arm Pushup Failed Attempt #advancedcalisthenics 3 Chain Weighted Dip Drop Set #weighteddips #weightedcalisthenics Grind to Build Muscle With Calisthenics (Bodyweight Bodybuilding) #calisthenicsmuscle Weighted Pullups with 90 Added Pounds and Neutral Grip (55 Years Old) #weightedcalisthenics Weighted Pullups with 70 Pounds Added Neutral Grip #weightedcalisthenics Ring Fly Pushup (Bodyweight Bodybuilding) #calisthenics Close Grip Med Ball Pushups #bigarms Paused Plometric Pushups #calisthenics Divebomber Pushups #calisthenics Triple Stop Pushups #hardpushup Weighted Chain Depth Drop Pushups #weightedcalisthenics In-and-Out Pushups #calisthenics One Arm Assisted Pushups #calisthenics Weighted Chain Pushups #weightedcalisthenics Feet Elevated Body Row for Back Thickness and Shoulder Health #calisthenics Feet Elevated Pushup (30 inches) with Wrist Rotation for Upper Chest #calisthenics Rope Climbing Failed Attempt (Work in Progress) #calisthenics #motivation Weighted Neutral-Grip Pull-ups (53 pounds) #weightedcalisthenics #agingsucks Close Grip Pushups on Dumbbells Instead of Diamond Pushups #bigarms EZ Bar Curls #gunshow Double Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift #motivation #skippedmanylegdays Weighted Neutral Grip Pull-ups Chin-ups #weightedcalisthenics #agingsucks Lateral Raise “Run-the-Rack” Drop Set Weighted Reverse Grip Upper Pec Pushups Over 50 (25 pound weight vest) Neck Harness to Shrug Combo for Big Traps Weighted Dips Triceps Emphasis Weighted Chest Dips #weightedcalisthenics Incline Press with 80 Pound Dumbbells #over50