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Pain Free You

45.5K subscribers - no pronouns set

My promise is to do as much as I can to demystify and take a

Pain Free You
1 week ago - 288 likes

Thank you everyone. If you know anyone who might benefit from my videos, send them to my channel at:

And if you are new - go to - to get up to speed quickly on what is going on and what to do about it.

Pain Free You
1 month ago - 8 likes

Is Stuttering a Mindbody Disorder?

Pain Free You
1 month ago - 20 likes

Bonus Content: I wanted to share a podcast appearance from a few weeks back. Enjoy!

"The Holocene Podcast - Dan Buglio from Pain Free You - Your mind is creating your symptoms"

Pain Free You
2 months ago - 16 likes

Back in December I did a success story with Helmut. Today he and I did a livestream on his channel and handled some Q&A. If you'd like to check it out, here is the link.

Pain Free You
2 months ago - 24 likes


In last weeks group coaching, one of our members said she had a pain increase and relied on her "Game Plan" to get past the flare up and feel better quickly. I asked her to send it to me so I could share it. Here it is. Thank you Deanna!

1. Let your body relax, take a deep breath.
2. Put a smile on your face, know itā€™s temporary.
3. When breathing slows down, thinking slows down.
4. Donā€™t panic :) you will not get better by panicking.
5. Brain- ā€œWe are fine, weā€™re not in trouble.ā€
6. All flare ups start with a high degree of fear.
7. Influence the brain to bring fear levels down.
8. Move into calm reassurance & clarity.
9. Watch Dans fast start videos.
10. Watch your video with Dan & Dr. Schubiner.
11. Think, act, & behave as you are okay.
12. Show your brain you are actually okay.
13. Symptoms always come back down.
14. Panic is not your friend.
15. Safety is the solution.
16. Donā€™t focus on figuring out the ā€œwhyā€ -it was fear.

Here is the video where I suggest having a game plan.

Pain Free You
2 months ago - 122 likes

Group Coaching Success Story:

"Hi Dan,
I just wanted to let you know I cancelled my membership with Pain Free You, mostly because I am almost completely Pain Free! I attribute this to your simply explained concepts and your daily reminders that I was capable of implementing them.

For me the biggest shift happened was when I really focused on my daily mindset, and I credit you and your daily videos that kept encouraging me that I could do this! The group program is wonderful and I have learned a lot from listening to others and watching the replays. At first, I was concerned that the group would be so large that I wouldn't be able to ask questions, but I was wrong, you really make the time so that everyone can get individualized help for their situations. Just knowing I had that kind of access really helped me!

A year ago, I was in a really dark place, but finding your videos gave me hope that I really was capable of recovery. I had many, many ups and downs along the way. As you say, it's simple, but not easy. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you do. It has been life changing for me! I hope one day to reach out to you and record my success story, because even if at first I never believed that would be me, now I know for sure that it will!!"

As I always say, this stuff works folks. You can do this too. - to join and get some of this goodness in your life.

Pain Free You
3 months ago - 88 likes

Sometimes the biggest aha moments come from watching others being coached.

Even if you aren't someone who is comfortable in a group coaching setting, being present and watching others get coached can still be a very powerful way to learn and heal.

I get messages all the time from people saying "I don't participate much at all, but I learn so much and am making great progress just by watching."

And if you can't make the sessions live, you can watch the replays of the coaching sessions.

Come check it out:

Pain Free You
3 months ago - 255 likes


Just letting you know that the first draft is now complete. It's been a heck of a project, but this is a huge milestone.
I have a couple rounds of edits and revisions to do before I send it off to my editor. Then onto layout, design, some graphics and book cover design. But it's coming together!

Thank you all for your ongoing support and patience. While I don't have an exact publishing date, its closer than ever at this time. A few more months.

Love you all!!

Get on the book notification waiting list here:

Pain Free You
4 months ago - 111 likes


This stuff works folks.

"Hi Dan! I just wanted to reach out to say that I began watching your videos about two years ago after receiving a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis. I had bean dealing with debilitating pelvic pain for almost a year at that point and while I felt that my pain was mind-body, I was pretty skeptical about my ability to get rid of it using your methods.
I gave it a shot anyways, and Iā€™m completely pain free now! Not only did I get rid of my pelvic pain, but I alleviated a ton of other symptoms I didnā€™t even realize were related. I went from thinking that my life and relationships were completely over to having complete freedom to do anything I want. Iā€™ll be turning 24 over the summer and starting law school in the fall (something I didnā€™t previously think Iā€™d be able to do).

I read all of the books on TMS and listened to all the podcasts, but it was your YouTube channel that really made a difference for me. Thereā€™s so many resources out there that encourage you to do too much - your channel really helped me take a minimalist approach to recovery and focus on indifference more than anything else. That was really the key to my recovery.

I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do and all of the resources you provide - youā€™re really making a difference in peopleā€™s lives!"

Youtube channel:
Group coaching:

Pain Free You
4 months ago - 10 likes

Hey all - check out the interview I did with Vanessa Lopez on her Intentionally Well Podcast.

Thank you for watching. If you like what you see, subscribe to her channel.