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SAMexpert TV โ€“ Microsoft Licensing and Cloud

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Cloud economics and Software licensing are complicated โ€” but

Cloud didn't eliminate Microsoft licenses Using data from a SPLA tool in an audit Microsoft Audit Penalties Don't let your IT near Microsoft auditors! First 30 days of the Microsoft audit affect up to 30% of penalties Understand Microsoft SPLA self-assessment risks Can you reject a Microsoft audit? Do not accept Microsoft audit results Don't let the Microsoft auditors stress you with deadlines Microsoft Audit Notice? Be calm, don't worry Microsoft Audit begins with a 30-day notice letter You cannot ignore a Microsoft audit, like it or not No Windows 11 in SPLA. Azure is the only PayG option. Microsoft EA budgets will ALWAYS grow by 10-15% When to reduce penalties in Microsoft Audit Microsoft Audit has two stages What is a #Microsoft SPLA #Audit? Are you ACTUALLY in the UK? Unlimited Virtualisation for SQL Server Standard #microsoft Can System Center be licensed per VM? #microsoft Windows Server licensing in a VMware cluster Will EA be replaced with MCA-E? #microsoft Do delivery drivers need Copilot? #microsoft Why Microsoft "unbundled" Teams from M365? #microsoftlicensing It's a Microsoft 365 price increase in disguise #microsoftlicensing Microsoft "unbundled" Teams from Microsoft 365 #microsoftlicensing Microsoft 365 CoPilot licensing and pricing news #microsoft #ai #Microsoft #DevBox #VisualStudio #Azure #Licensing #Microsoft Shakes Up #Hosting World with #Licensing Changes Heres What You Need to Know Azure Hybrid Benefit Savings Windows Server and SQL Why Software Licensing Doesn't Make Sense CSP Hosting is not required for BYOL #Microsoft VDA Add-on on Hosting #microsoft #windows Service Provider #BYOL reporting #csp Counting Subscriber Access Licenses in SPLA #microsoft Fake Microsoft Audit letter sent by Microsoft itself #microsoft unified support cost SPLA audit years looking back #microsoft SQL in Azure cost saving tips #microsoft Do servers on collocation require software assurance Is Windows Server Datacenter Unlimited Virtualisation still an option? Is SPLA cost different between dedicated and shared hosting? #microsoft Is licensing Windows Server per VM cheaper? Authorised Outsourcers are ALL providers except Microsoft, Amazon, Google or Alibaba Windows Server CALs and Software Assurance on VPS in the #Cloud #microsoft How to license Windows Server in VMware #microsoft #microsoftlicensing Active Directory โ€œusersโ€ are not Licensed Users! #microsoftlicensing Why you need CALs #microsoft #microsoftlicensing