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Greg Langstaff

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I'm Greg, a Certified Resume Strategist and Job Search Coach

It is with mixed emotions that I need to announce… #career #jobsearch Career-Ending Resumes!!! #resume #career #jobsearch It only takes 7 seconds to make a strong first impression. You better nail it #interviewtips Another option is to embrace AI and master it #resume #career #jobsearch They NEED to know your technical skills and the context you used them. #resume #career #jobsearch Word Documents will MESS UP YOUR FORMATTING!!! #resume #jobsearch #career #cv Don’t start your resume with your experience or education! #resume #career #jobsearch Most important skills: Leadership, Strategy, Operations Oversight, Budgeting #resume #career There is a WRONG way to use ChatGPT for your resume #resume #career #jobsearch Nail your first impression and get hired!!! #jobsearch #career #interview I once accepted a job offer over the phone. The day before I moved they revoked the offer #jobsearch Build excitement. Set context. Then tell your story with your experience. #resume #jobsearch #career Also…….. This does NOT count as a response to “Do you have any questions for us?” #resume #jobsearch If you feel like you’re a bad writer, try this out. It should really help! #ChatGPT #resume #career Make these changes to your RESUME! #jobsearch #career #resume April 17, 2024 Be very careful if you’re using AI to help write your resume! #resume #career #jobsearch ChatGPT can be helpful if you use it right… but most people use it WRONG! #resume #career #jobsearch To learn how to fill this in, check out my free resume writing course #resume #career #jobsearch You ONLY have 5 seconds to capture the hiring manager’s attention and THIS is how! #resume #career This is help you land more jobs! #career #jobsearch LOOKS MATTER on Your #resume For more help, check out my free resume writing course (in bio) #resume #career You could end up with unfair working conditions and below-market salary #resume #career #jobsearch Get your resume on this level! You can do it 🙂 #resume #career #jobsearch Cover letters could tip the scale to getting you an interview. #coverletter #jobsearch #career Be safe out there! Do your due diligence before accepting a job offer! #resume #career #jobsearch You resume needs ✅ Headline ✅ Areas of Expertise ✅ Career Highlights #resume #jobsearch #career April 6, 2024 Steal these Resume Hack to get your first REAL job! #resume #career #jobsearch Hiring managers and ATS scanners HATE when you call it “Resume” #resume #career #jobsearch How to write perfect resume bullet points #resume #jobsearch #career Do this BEFORE apply to another job or you’re going to get rejected! #resume #jobsearch #career Don’t apply to a job without a 10/10 resume!!! #career #jobsearch #resume Say this in an interview when you don’t have an answer #interview #jobsearch #career I LOVE this resume! I highly recommend this approach for 2024 :) #resume #jobsearch #career Don’t tell the world you NEED a job! #linkedIn #career #jobsearch How to land your FIRST REAL JOB! #career #resume #jobsearch Get more interviews by making your resume like this!!! #jobsearch #career #resume Perfect answer… every time #jobsearch #interview #interviewtips Get your foot in the door with a great first REAL job by following this #resume #jobsearch #career How to PROVE that you’re good enough to land an interview. #resume #jobsearch #career Use AI to practice your interviews and get hired. #resume #career #jobsearch On your resume: Every word COUNTS! #resume #jobsearch #career Thought Leaders get begged to apply to jobs. Become a thought leader with ease #linkedin #jobsearch They’ll throw you in the trash if you’re not careful #resume #career #jobsearch ✅ Keywords ✅ Numbers ✅ Your Story #resume #jobsearch #career Why you’re not getting interviews! #career #resume #jobsearch