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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Yes! And also the problem is that people don’t realise that being diagnosed isn’t the final goal, it’s learning new, more effective ways to cope with how you are, and trying to improve your everyday life. What seems to be forgotten by many is also that neurodiverse(whats the word?) conditions tend to overlap with each other. And with 99.9% of the world not being trained psychiatrists, you get a lot of people looking at the very relatable content made by people with ADHD, and thinking, “wow we have a lot of similar problems, i must have adhd too” and in a lot of cases i would say they are right— as long as they are being truly honest with themselves. A lot of people like to say “same!!!” even when their experiences may not be as extreme or have the same nuance as the OP who shared their experiences, because in this world, “sorta kinda same” generally isn’t taken very seriously by anyone. It’s always either this or *that*. So you get some people with other neurodevelopmental conditions(such as ocd, dyslexia, anxiety, depression etc.) that also cause them to present similar issues as someone with adhd. These people may start to suspect they have adhd just because the symptoms being exacerbated by their own conditions are rarely spoken about in their own context, even if its a common symptom. In short, everything gets swept under the ADHD rug. However, let’s not forget that these disorders tend to be comorbid, meaning if you have one, you have a good chance of having another. So you can never really know if one symptom is from the adhd or if it’s from the autism, because let’s not forget that these are just man-made labels given to categorise whatever’s going on in our silly little brains.
Most importantly, if you think you have something, seek a diagnosis! Not only will the professionals assess your character, but they will also give good advice tailored specifically for your needs. Then if they aren’t helpful, you can a) see another professional b) self remedy with school of tiktok and reddit😂
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I got diagnosed with adhd (I am girl) and I went to a camp and had to take my meds and a guy asked me “what’s that for” so I answered “I don’t know” but Ik it is because of my adhd but I want to feel normal my bsf doesn’t even know I have adhd. I want to tell her but something is in me saying she gonna judge me
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I was diagnosed with autism and ADHD as a child. Im going to say this: getting dignosed in the US espcially is expensive nd time consuming. For some its impossible. If youe a kid whos parents refuse to hear you out, if its too expensive, or if doctors are an outward stressor that would impact a dignosis. In these cases, self diagnoses is valid if you do something with it.
Dont dignose yourself with ADHD or Autism and then continue to use neurotypical coping mechanisms. Changing your patterns is HARD. Diagnosing yourself is the easy part now you need to do the therapy...
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well, getting diagnosed meant for me the chance to forgive myself, because the self hate after a lifetime of disappointment is harsh and now I know that I need to use different approaches to problems than other people and it moved me forward.. No, everyone doesn't have ADHD, they only have some of the traits some of the time
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I was diagnosed in my 20's (I'm 40 now). Online videos about ADHD have helped me understand my diagnosis even better, but I can see how they could potentially be harmful when people use them to self-diagnose. But I really think videos have done more good than harm. They help me understand myself but also normalize neurodivergence so friends & family understand me as well! When I was a kid, it wasn't uncommon to hear adults say that ADHD wasn't real, it was an "excuse" for bad behavior or that a child with ADHD just needed to be disciplined (spanked) more. There are still people who think that way, but it's becoming more & more rare, thanks in part to information spread online
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Hi Joey.
Thanks for the great videos you shared; they are quite informative and instructional, and fun too!
I’ve suffered from ADHD since I was a kid in elementary school. Being medicated for it makes a huge difference for the better. My neurologist and neurosurgeon explained that ADHD is due to a brain structural condition that we’re unable to fix; only medicate. When someone without ADHD takes medications they feel speedy, restless, anxious, and awake. While not the case with people who do have ADHD and find relief such as feeling relaxed, focused, productive, and improved wellness. ADHD and depression and anxiety usually go hand in hand with ADHD.
Please continue the great work you’ve been doing!
I was diagnosed in 2nd grade started taking adhd meds prescribed by a doctor and my teachers always saw a huge difference on days I forgot to take it I would not think at all random things would just come out my mouth I needed more help then usual and no matter how many times I got told something I wouldn’t remember and I was totally different without them
Personally, i didn't know what my problem was. I didn't seem "hyper active" all the time (unless i am manic bc m bipolar too). Then i took adderall recreationally and my friends were having a good time and i felt.... Normal. Clear-headed, not so guilty, focused.
That's when i talked to my doctor (and yes i told them the exact story and never got judged). I learned that they changed it from ADD & ADHD to just ADHD because the "hyper" part doesn't need to be externalized. It's your brain that is hyper and jumping from thing to thing and making you miserable.
Everyone deserves the right medicine and the right diagnosis. It changed my life.
Yeah I agree its over diagnosed and especially overly self-diagnosed. If you are self diagnosed, that just means you aren't diagnosed, aka you have an uneducated guess. For me growing up it was weirdly the opposite, where I didn't want to have ADHD and was in denial but evreyone around me was convinced that I had it, turns out they were right. Anyways I know its the fashonable disorder to have rn but it is truly debilitating to much more of an extent than let on by many tictockers, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, so don't wish it on yourselves.
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10 months ago
At first I thought bro was saying ADHD wasn’t an actual disorder and that everyone has it but I let him cook. ADHD is more than not being able to concentrate or getting distracted, people really need to go to a doctor and get an actual diagnosis before claiming to have it
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