Healing Depression / SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome Naturally & The Dangers of Antidepressants / Psychotropic Medications

15 videos • 889 views • by Jaimee Lauren As a 17 year old child I was prescribed SSRI antidepressants but the risks were never explained to me. The numerous doctors I visited never told me the real cause of depression or how to cure it. Later as an adult I trained and studied (postgraduate) to become a nurse yet I still never learned the truth. I tried medication after medication, year after year with no relief from this chronic and at times disabling depression. Having learnt (though trial and error) that none of the SSRIs / anti anxiety medications / opiates / Ritalin (which I had been prescribed) worked I started to withdraw from the "meds". I knew it would be difficult but I had learnt that nutrition played a huge role in healing depression and that a plant based diet was best. Having fully embraced my new healthy eating I slowly started weaning of the pills. I had no idea that I would be plagued by DISCONTINUATION SYNDROME which is what people experience when they try to come off of SSRI anti depressants. I had already gone through horrific withdrawal from the rest of the medications but the SSRIs proved to be the worst. I slowly reduced my dosage taking 10mg less each month and the first stage of withdrawal included the most horrific rages and mood swings and terrible depression which was worse than anything I had ever experienced. After that came the second phase of withdrawal where I experienced such horrific insomnia (I would describe it as suicidal insomnia) that I was getting maybe 2-3 hours of broken sleep a night for a period of 9 months. What contributed to the insomnia was another symptom many patients experienced. Paresthesia (nerve tingling) which caused my body to itch and feel like insects were crawling under my skin. This would happen as I tried to go off to sleep every single night for almost a year. I promised myself that I managed to heal myself enough from depression and antidepressant discontinuation syndrome that I would try to raise awareness and help others. As a trained medical professional I was never given the information that I have compiled in this playlist therefore it is my hope that it may inform other doctors and nurses so that they can appropriately give patients information to make informed decisions. Had I known the truth I would never have touched these prescribed drugs. I have been off them for nearly 3 years and I still experience symptoms of discontinuation. However, I believe that I have healed much quicker than many other patients I have come across in patient forums. I put this down to my extremely healthy lifestyle which includes a WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED DIET WITH NO ADDED OIL / ADDED SUGAR / NO GLUTEN. This way of eating has saved my life! To find out the scientific facts please watch my playlist below. I will be making videos on my personal experience and healing in the future.