My channel is dedicated for fun and entertainment, as well as educating others about pet birds.
I love to see others smile. I hope by sharing Ricco with the world, that others will enjoy him as much as I do.
I hope you join us with the adventures of Ricco.. XOXO
Some of Ricco's most popular phrases are:
#1 The telephone ring (dring dring) I came up with this ringtone myself, so he learned this one from me.
#2 Big big baby..
#3 Choo choo train
#4 Beep beep Morse code
#5 The birthday tune in funny noises
#6 You wanna cuddle cuddle
#7 His funny way of saying and playing peekaboo
These are some to just name a few...
Everything I taught Ricco to do and say has been myself and always wanted him to be unique and different.
I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has subscribed and for all your support and kind words.
Ricco and I love you all...