St. Louis area-based. Here, I visit places that have historical markers/signs/plaques, etc. We've all seen historical markers on the road and at public places all around. Have visited sites from 22 states in these episodes/videos, and I'm just getting started!
I usually cover: old buildings • Civil War • black history • popular culture • Route 66 (from Chicago to Santa Monica!) • bridges • National & State Parks • weird/unusual roadside attractions • cemeteries w/ historical value, as well as visiting the final resting places of notable people • Historic National Road • & more!
The videos vary in length, depending on what I cover. Sometimes I do a bit more exploring more than I should. Are these called "adventures"? Yes, but I believe the a-word has been overused here on YouTube. Call them what you like, I guess!
I usually upload 2 new eps a week. If you like what you see, please like and subscribe!
Your feedback is always welcome.
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