TNPSC online coaching
Group 1,2,4,VAO
RRB ,SSC & Banking also Available
Free study material
Material will given as per schedule with PDF format
Providing study materials
1.Study materials for each & every syllabus topic wise(UPSC standard material) with shortcut
2.samacheer lesson wise guidance link
4.Daily current affairs
10000+ question & answers complete question analysis based on previous year
Study material & test paper will be send to provided Whats App number or mail id
Test method
1.Topic wise 100 question test ( totally 100+ test )
2. OMR Based or Online test
3.question paper PDF or online test ┬аsend to Whats App or mail I'd (as per schedule)
4.Test report
5.Rank report (overall rank)
Online free test series coaching & guidance
Duration - life time (only one time payment)
Thanks & regards,
Ilakku tech solutions