TNPSC online coaching
Group 1,2,4,VAO
RRB ,SSC & Banking also Available
Free study material
Material will given as per schedule with PDF format
Providing study materials
1.Study materials for each & every syllabus topic wise(UPSC standard material) with shortcut
2.samacheer lesson wise guidance link
4.Daily current affairs
10000+ question & answers complete question analysis based on previous year
Study material & test paper will be send to provided Whats App number or mail id
Test method
1.Topic wise 100 question test ( totally 100+ test )
2. OMR Based or Online test
3.question paper PDF or online test send to Whats App or mail I'd (as per schedule)
4.Test report
5.Rank report (overall rank)
Online free test series coaching & guidance
Duration - life time (only one time payment)
Thanks & regards,
Ilakku tech solutions