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Nicole Dewes

1.5K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Welcome to my channel :) I lead successful, driven women tow

How to feel your glutes vs your quads #glutegrowth #legday Using the same weight every week will NOT grow your glutes #glutegrowth #glutes #gluteworkout You can’t build muscle if you’re not pushing yourself #musclebuilding #intensity Macro tracking tips to always hit your protein goal #trackingmacros #macros Progressive overload is all it takes #glutegrowth How to train with intensity: don’t stop the set when your muscles start burning #glutegrowth How to do dumbbell shoulder press and what to avoid #shoulderpress #shoulderworkout How to do Lat Pull Downs, where you should feel them & what to avoid #latpulldown If you struggle to feel your glutes during your workouts- start by slowing down your warm ups🤘 My 5 minute warm up routine for every leg day #legday #legdaywarmup #gluteworkout Here are the leg workouts that will actually grow your legs #gluteworkout #legday 2 important things when it comes to building muscle for a faster metabolism #strengthtraining All it takes to build muscle. This + consistency! #musclebuilding #strengthtraining How to build quality muscle, lose fat and speed up your metabolism #musclemommy Training hard and under eating protein is POINTLESS. Don’t waste your time!! #musclebuilding You are what you eat. Want to feel healthy? Stop eating garbage. #nutrition #health Stop doing your hip thrusts like this!! #hipthrusts #glutegrowth #hipthrustform Struggling with RDL form? Do you feel it in your lower back- not your glutes & hammies? Watch this! Here’s how I structure one of my leg days for glute growth #glutegrowth #legday A proper leg warm up routine #legday #glutegrowth #legworkout 5 movements for a killer leg workout If you struggle to feel hip thrusts in your glutes, watch this! #glutegrowth #hipthrusts The right workouts to do to build glutes you’re obsessed with #gluteworkouts #glutegrowth Want to have a good workout and avoid injuries? Do 1-2 warm up sets BEFORE your compound lifts! Here’s what you should do first in the gym if you’re new #gymtips #warmup What to drink before the gym for the best workouts #preworkout #gymtips What to eat before the gym🤝 #preworkout #gymtips BTS: when the video stops recording and you’ve been talking to a locked phone for the last 20 mins Actually though, picking up heavy things & putting them back down helped me learn to love myself. The gym changed by life because it taught me I was in control of my thoughts and actions #motivation I lost weight when I stopped using food as a way to avoid & started weight lifting #weightloss Feeling confident in your clothes is the first step to a successful workout💃🏼 One of the hardest movements that’s best for glute and back growth #glutegrowth Sleeping enough changes everything #fitnessmotivation One of my favorite glute building movements #glutegrowth #legday Start moving your body and watch your destructive thoughts stop💭 If you have gym anxiety…watch this‼️ #gymmotivation What is progressive overload? It’s the most important thing if you want to see results in the gym! All you need to know when planning your workouts! #strengthtraining How to make a glute focused 7 day workout split! #glutegrowth #workoutsplit Eating 3 nourishing meals every day is the secret to beating bloat & constant hunger!! #nutrition It’s uncomfortable to change, but more uncomfortable to stay stuck #fitnessmotivation Ladies, train your chest!! More muscle mass on your body = more calories burned daily #chestworkout I start all of my workouts with mobility work for better workouts and recovery❤️‍🩹 #mobility Building your back is the easiest way to make your waist look thin #backworkout #womenweightlifting How I broke free from the toxic cycle of restricting and then overindulging. #nutrition #balance Applying progressive overload is the secret sauce to changing your body #fitnesstransformation How to build some sexy shoulders #shoulderworkout #shoulderpress #upperbodyworkout