Namaste and welcome to my channel!
I am a Spiritual Healing Facilitator, Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, and Spiritual Response Technique Practitioner.
I offer spiritual coaching that is focused on Oracle card readings, Numerology, I access guidance through your higher self and the Akashic Records. I am passionate about helping others find healing, their inner wisdom, and their voice.
This channel was created to share my favorite topics such as mindfulness, meditation, spirituality, astrology, entheogen practices, and inner healing.
If you are someone who loves mysticism, spirituality, astrology, plant medicine, and you are on a path of self-discovery, then stick around and subscribe! My intention is to create a space filled with compassion and much love for you!
I try to post a video every week.
Thank you for stopping by and do subscribe to this channel if you want to see more videos!
From my heart to yours
- Jikara