Hello people of the internet! 💙 I'm RC, and I make diverse content for people to enjoy. I guess I'm one of the only few variety youtubers around 😅
I make a bunch of stuff! Gacha, Minecraft Manhunts, Speedpaints, Edits, Vlogs, A bunch of rickroll videos XD (Be warned...) and Voice Acted Content. I also have a discord server where I hang out with my friends! I'm a bit shy in person but here I feel like I can be myself!
I hope you guys are enjoying my content! I do youtube not only because its my die-hard passion, I also do it so once I get 1k subs, I can provide for my family.. So every sub means everything to me 😊
I don't have a set schedule, but just know I post maybe way too much daily for my own good (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
Thank you for reading this about page, and stay awesome friends!