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People know when they’re wrong- they just don’t care. 🤷🏻 We all have a shadow. #dogma Be honest. Comment 1 if you’ve seen a miracle. Put a 2 if you have not. I’m curious now. ❤️ #miracle ABCs of being a Christian point to harrowing views of fatalism. Think for yourself. 🖤 #dogma Your faith should make you a better person. If your current path isn’t doing that, reconsider. 🫶 Why You MUST Question your Beliefs!!! 🔥❤️ tip: it’s how you live in your power. 🫶 Early morning Baltimore steam :) The reason I make music is to express myself and hopefully, in doing so, articulate a feeling ❤️🫡 Revolt World 2023 blew my mind. I’m so grateful I got to go be around all those artists 😭😍🫡#inspo 🌑 Embrace shadows, unlock growth! Transform doubts into action. #therapy 🚀✨ #trueself #meditation Yinzburgh aka Pittsburgh is not just my new home, it’s where I’m committing to a life I dreamt up.❤️ Does this count as #corecore I hope it brings you back to what is truly on your heart ❤️ #truelove It’s okay to feel how you feel. Fully experience it, learn, then move on. I trust your #mindfulness Night driving / riding vibes I’ll miss #DTLA but #mindfulness has taught me a lot. Subscribe 📮 Dogma is adopting others’ beliefs without personal discernment. Are your views yours? #mindfulness You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect the dots looking back. #mindfulness What happens when we pray? I believe our future self receives our intentions and we align our desire Wonder what’s holding you back? Consider self criticism. It’s a #family pattern to love or judge💙🫂 Thanksgiving in Pittsburgh ❤️🔫 #holiday #family #tactical Official Back in Time Music Video pt. 4 filmed and directed by Ezra Gentle 💛✨ Official Back in Time Music Video pt.3 filmed + directed by Ezra Gentle ✨💛🥹 Official Back in Time Music Video pt. 2 filmed + directed by Ezra Gentle ⭐️💛🥹 Official Back in Time Music Video pt. 1 of 4 filmed and directed by Ezra Gentle 💛⭐️🥹 Evidence of USA being a Police State: militarized police and constant surveillance. Do you agree? Is the USA a Police State? How do ya’ll ensure your personal freedom when the gov. is unreliable? Hot take: you’re worthy of abundance no matter what you’ve heard but only YOU believing so matters. Whom do you serve and why? I used to try to help everyone at once. Now, I choose those I serve. Hbu? Music has always had my heart! My goal: inspire true feelings that snap listeners into self love ❤️ There is no feeling like the feeling of connecting with an audience through music and vibes🖤🤍 Our thoughts create our realities. The most pervasive ones are rooted in our inner child’s psyche. True love is always worth it. 🤎 Christianity Islam and Judaism leave many devastated when/if they ever escape. We aren’t judges. Our beliefs are imprinted from our first 6-7 years of life. What old limitations have you let go of? Who hears your prayers if not your future and present self? Supplication yields mental milestones 🖤 Our power is inherent! Religions silo and appropriate individuals’ power so they never leave. 🖤 What’s holding you back? Are you living your life or performing for a loved one? #mindfulness Give Yourself a Break- other people are not your responsibility. Slow down. Take a breath. 💙 Stopping a car with your hands? 🤌🏻 Who would you do this for? Friendly reminder to trust your instincts. What does your inner voice say? #mindfulness What creates upset in your life? Are your beliefs your own or are they someone else’s? #mindfulness How we act is how we are treated. Clean your energy and expect the best from others. #energy YouTube Family, an overdue update on life things in a new format. Life is good! Growth all around.💟 Websites go unpublished more than you might think. #webdesign #onlinebusiness #facts DTLA Morning Walk 👍 Hot on Olympic by me and @lilbadkatt out now. It’s heartfelt and warm. I hope you enjoy. LilBadKatt releases a Beauty Line, Badkatt Beauty! First popup was successful. :) #beauty #love I’ve been guilty of this too. Let someone you trust in and see what’s possible. #onlinebusiness Most sites never launch. Don’t let that be you. Find a creative partner to help grow your business. You are here for YOU!!!