I'm an artsy Midwest landscape photographer, a writer / blogger, a product reviewer / tester / focus group of one, an audio/video production nerd turned social media / content marketer, a tech geek raised in (and in many ways stuck on) the era of MS-DOS & NES, a MacGyver-level maker/DIYer, a DVD/Blu-ray collector and pieced-together home theater enthusiast, and a social media comedian / general wiseass. I'm a weird creative hyphenate living in a world where Facebook lets me only choose one category.
I'm based in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and travel often to Door County Wisconsin, Duluth Minnesota, Superior Wisconsin and all over the Midwest for photography, exploration and general fun and merryment.
Follow me all over social media at evercuriousgeek.com, shoot me a message at mark@evercuriousgeek.com or leave me a voicemail at 920-403-0403.