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The Mindful Movement in Motion

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The Mindful Movement in Motion
1 year ago - 6 likes

New meditation today over on @TheMindfulMovement
“Your inner strength is something which never leaves you. You are powerful beyond your wildest imagination.”
― Hiral Nagda
Just like an acorn has all it needs inside to become a strong oak tree, you too have everything inside of you to live fully into your amazing, empowered, authentic self, and do this embodying peace and safety. Today’s practice is all about tapping into this inner resource to recognize the signs of safety and nourish your nervous system.

You might think of this as training for your nervous system to expand your capacity to hold challenges or stress. This is the first in the series of practices for your nervous system. This is the place to start, and you can come back to this practice as often as you like to expand into a peaceful and content state. You may begin to notice yourself becoming overwhelmed or stressed less frequently.

In this practice, I will offer a variety of options to bring your mind into the present moment, sense safety within your body, and invite your awareness to rest on your physical experience. These are all options to explore and build a toolkit for you to choose from any time you need to make a shift in your state.

The Mindful Movement in Motion
1 year ago - 1 likes

Hey @TheMindfulMovement Community!
We have your weekend workout ready for you!
Join Sara for this 55-minute full-body Intermediate Pilates practice for a balance of strength and stretch that will have you feeling great when you are finished! Complete this workout and feel accomplished, effectively getting exercise and stress relief in one practice!

The Mindful Movement in Motion
2 years ago - 1 likes

A new practice will be available tomorrow morning. I hope you'll join me on the mat!
For now, take time for yourself with this intermediate Pilates practice with Sara for a balance of strength and stretch that will have you feeling great when you are finished! Complete this workout and feel accomplished, effectively getting exercise and stress relief in just 45 minutes!

The Mindful Movement in Motion
2 years ago - 3 likes

Do you have 30 minutes to get your day started with some back healthy Pilates?
Or do you have another morning routine that serves your needs? Let us know! 😊

Join me for this practice this morning if you like.

The Mindful Movement in Motion
2 years ago - 2 likes

Mindful movement practices are a wonderful preparation for meditation and together can support mind and body healing. This meditation is specifically designed to promote healing. Pair it with your movement practice today for a healing and calm experience.

The Mindful Movement in Motion
2 years ago - 2 likes

Was exercising on your resolution list? And perhaps you could use a little motivation?
Join Sara, for a special video today. Is motivation the biggest hurdle to consistent motivation for you? We hear this from our students all the time, now more than ever. Sara has 6 simple and effective tips for you to start implementing today! She saved the best for last (and there is one bonus tip at the end).

For more support with exercise motivation, consider a 1:1 personalized hypnotherapy session:…

The Mindful Movement in Motion
2 years ago - 3 likes

What's on your agenda for this Saturday? Looking to get some inspiration to improve your health today? Check out @TheMindfulMovement Interview: Improve your Sleep and Improve your Life with Devon Burke

In this episode Les chats with Sleep Science Academy founder Devin Burke. Everyone knows sleep is important, but the why’s, what’s, and how’s may not be that clearly understood by most folks. Devin breaks down some of the key factors to address, one of which surprisingly, is our mindset around our sleep, and the internal language we use when thinking about how we sleep. Enjoy the episode!

You can get Devon Burke's Book "The Sleep Advantage: Optimize your night to win your day":

The Mindful Movement in Motion
2 years ago - 3 likes

Does your New Year's intentions include any movement practices?

Connect with your intrinsic motivation and set your intentions. Join Sara for this 45 minute Pilates Yoga Fusion to experience movement that builds your energy and leaves you feeling better when you are finished. "No pain, ALL gain" is our goal. Complete this workout and feel accomplished, effectively getting exercise and stress relief in just 45 minutes!

For support and community with your New Year's Intentions, join us for this FREE 21 Day Movement and Meditation Commitment. Learn more about it

The Mindful Movement in Motion
2 years ago - 3 likes

After your movement practice is a great time to add in some meditation. You have prepared your body so that it is able to sit in stillness and you can connect with your experience more fully. This practice is great for this new year!

In this 25 minute guided morning meditation, you will be guided on a journey of your own design. Using some tools of self-inquiry, and visualization, today you will be able to clear an opening in this new year or new chapter of your life for you to move into. A shift is on the horizon, and with a little guidance, you can steer the course of how your life’s journey unfolds.

The Mindful Movement in Motion
2 years ago - 9 likes

The seeds that are watered frequently are those that will grow strong.
- Thích NhẼt Hấnh

Daily healthy habits are tricky to sustain. There’s usually NO instant gratification (like when you buy a sweet treat or new outfit/car/gadget.) You’ve got to remind yourself to engage with new behavior each week while you learn to enjoy new and different results, which means adopting a host of OTHER behaviors, like:
•Rewiring your schedule,
•Setting boundaries around your time and mental space, and
•Getting used to putting yourself first for a short time each day.

Plus, “life” usually rushes in with a challenge or two to test your healthy habit resolve--like getting sick, starting new work projects, or family and home commitments that won’t wait.

How do you *ever* succeed in keeping a healthy habit long enough to experience the benefits everyone raves about?

Consider getting a little help and support, while reminding yourself you don’t have to do it alone.

That’s why Les and I created the (FREE) 21 Day Movement and Meditation Commitment. Though we couldn’t imagine our lives without meditation and movement today, it’s still a challenge sometimes to prioritize our practice--even after so many years of enjoying it! Learn more about it here: