🔸️Natural strength training, hypertrophy, general athleticism & occasional powerlifting & strongman stuff these days.
🔹️Won battle against Ulcerative colitis & Chron's disease, completely off meds, recovered and gained over 65kg/~143lbs through lifting weights, healthy mindset and better nutrition.
🔸️I started doing Starting Strength at ~2014th and progressed from there.
🔹️Sharing some of my lifting & other training related stuff as well as videos from my friends & clients(but primary for that is on my Instagram @st_lifting905 and @strengthtrainingpancevo)
🔸️6'6 guy with varying bodyweight from 250 to 300+ lbs, natural lifter(if we don't count catabolic steroids, immuno suppressants & other poison I survived in the past 🤣)