*Fitness & Body Image + RN*
Hi, I'm Sarah!
I'm here to help you start enjoying exercise & healing your body image with a non-diet approach. Diet culture taught us that we had to be smaller to be worthy; this led to years and years of disordered eating, over-exercising, an obsession with the scale, poor body image and self worth issues.
I'm here to help you reverse and undo those old thoughts and habits. It's time we STOP dieting and START enjoying food, exercise and who we are, no matter our shape or size.
*I create lots of workout videos, so be sure to check them out under the VIDEOS section, and add them into your routine.
It's time to listen to your body & mind around food.
It's time to find exercise you enjoy without feeling guilt or shame.
It's time to recognize the scale is a poor indicator of health.
It's time to prioritize your mental well-being.
Let's do this and have some fun along the way!