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When to get feedback on your novel How many drafts of a book should you do? Why condensing your book is so important Why you should take space from your novel Why editing a book takes multiple drafts What order should you edit your book? When editing, think about solutions, not problems How to identify problems in your book The CRUCIAL first step for editing a book Create distinct character voices when writing dialogue Pay close attention to this when editing dialogue Use this tip to edit dialogue How to avoid boring dialogue Using action and narrative to enhance dialogue The most common newbie dialogue mistake... Why setting can enhance dialogue Two effective methods for writing dialogue Subtext is the secret to interesting dialogue Doing THIS will take your dialogue to the next level The key to writing engaging dialogue The ultimate sign your book isn't ready to query Don't skip this CRUCIAL editing step If you can't answer this question, your book needs more editing... This exercise will show you if your book is ready to query Make sure you do THIS before querying your book Does your book need more editing? Try this test! Why word count standards are so important How much editing does a book need? 🧐 If you can answer this question, your book might be ready to query Is your book ready to query? Here's how to find out The MOST common backstory mistake Make your character sympathetic by considering this How many flashbacks should a novel have? When to reveal backstory vs when to keep it a secret Turning Points can be the secret to writing backstory Create tension in the present with backstory Ask this question when creating character backstory Even for poetry, editing is key The key to writing a haiku Learn how to write better images with poetry! How to find inspiration for a haiku Learn the rules before you can break them Start writing haikus with this crucial first step Why difficult writing is often the best writing Writing is going to be hard! And that's okay Lower your expectations (in order for greater success!) Don't have time to write? Here's why... Stop comparing yourself to other writers!