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Views : 294,294
Genre: Entertainment
Uploaded At Nov 16, 2023 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.913 (157/7,092 LTDR)
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2.17% of the users dislieked the video!!
User score: 96.75- Overwhelmingly Positive
RYD date created : 2024-07-09T01:10:46.341987Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I loooove a matte makeup look on me over the dewy/glow style as well! Also just really really have to say I love how kind you are when talking about products or makeup styles that didn’t work for you. There’s such a gentleness that comes with you saying “I tried it and it’s not for me” it truly makes me feel the compassion you put into your videos.
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~* 0:00 hey friend:))
~* 0:41 face oil {glass tapping, mouth sounds, visual trigger}
~* 1:50 foundation {cardboard tapping, visual trigger, mouth sounds}
~* 4:39 contour {tapping, mouth sounds, visual trigger}
~* 7:15 clipping hair back
~* 7:42 blending contour out {mouth sounds, visual trigger}
~* 8:12 blush {tapping, scratching, mouth sounds, visual triggers}
~* 12:44 lip balm {tapping, lid sounds, mouth sounds
~* 13:37 sip of iced coffe {glass tapping}
~* 14:40 powder foundation {tapping, scatching, mouth sounds, visual trigger}
~* 17:28 unrelated show and tell:)) {tapping}
~* 19:20 lip stain {tapping, sticky tapping, mouth sounds, visual trigger}
~* 21:54 lip liner {tapping, mouth sounds}
~* 23:58 concealer {tapping, mouth sounds, visual trigger, hand sounds}
~* 26:07 eye makeup {tapping, visual trigger, mouth sounds}
~* 29:34 skincare show and tell {tapping, scratching, lid sounds}
~* 33:03 that’s it bye:)))
I don’t know how useful timestamps are on a video like this but this is my first time doing them and I wanted to try sooo yea I hope someone enjoys t
44 |
10 months ago
Just what I needed. So much on my mind lately, and your consistency is so appreciated. Don’t know what I’d do without your ASMR. Truly.
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