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Views : 5,490,463
Genre: Music
Uploaded At May 23, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.989 (371/136,736 LTDR)
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User score: 99.59- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-10-13T14:58:34.073062Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Considering the message of the song, it is genuinely terrifying when they hit the skyscraper rooftop. I always get goosebumps, and that's the point. All the other clips feel like toying around with the idea of jumping off a roof and hitting the ground, but then you get that hard cut to the skyscraper roof and realize... oh shit, this is real. You jump off that and you're gone. No more laying in a farm field and continuing to sing. I also love how in that specific part they don't show someone "laying on the ground" because there wouldn't be much left. I've been a fan since Vessel and I truly, truly hope that as many people struggling with depression find this album as possible, because Tyler clearly decided to ditch the "metaphors" and dive straight into the "hey friends, PLEASE survive" in this album. This will likely be a very, VERY important album when it comes to mental health
1.6K |
1:50 I don't know if this really means something, but nobody has pointed this out yet, so here I go. Tyler is singing/rapping upwards, to where we know Josh is located. He is "talking" to Josh with the words "If I'm being real, man, don't know how I feel, man, about you sleeping so close to a weapon you conceal, man. Those night terrors are not something to take lightly. I know that it's a risk saying this, don't fight me!" We all know that Tyler has problems, but we don't know that much about Josh in that aspect, just that he struggles with anxiety. But, and I'm speaking from experience, those kinds of friendships are often mutual. You help each other out, check on each other. Many people seem to think that Josh is care-free or something and is just helping Tyler out, but that is because Tyler is telling his story, not Joshs, which is completely fine and natural, but we can't just assume that Josh doesn't have a story to tell. He's just shy and private and not a songwriter, he's the drummer, an instrument which he picked up with the purpose of hiding behind it and not being in the spotlight. Anyway, maybe I'm just overanalysing and this shot means something completely different, but it's definately something to think about.
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4 months ago
tyler saw our comments of how josh is always playing drums in the craziest places and took it as a challenge
11K |