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Views : 9,581,123
Genre: Education
Uploaded At May 17, 2022 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.967 (3,329/394,364 LTDR)
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User score: 98.74- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-09-18T07:34:39.411674Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
This is how my father explained to me, why time traveling would be by far the most impossible and ressource consuming thing ever to be done by humanity. As you may be able to bend time, but you need to track the exact location of the earth in the universe, from where you want to time travel to.
362 |
3:51 is just about the absolute coolest way I have ever seen Earth's orbit depicted
1.1K |
I just graduated with a degree in physics, and my peers gave me a hard time over liking kurzgesagt. Their perspective was that kurzgesagt oversimplifies problems, and doesn't consider serious questions.
My counter-point was that kurzgesagt does extremely well at the job it tries to do: to make science approachable and fun! I think many scientists get caught up with the details of highly complex scientific questions, and this makes the scientific fields seem unapproachable. In order to keep the scientific fields alive, we desperately need public outreach efforts like kurzgesagt to get people to realize the beauty and fun involved in asking or answering scientific questions!
Thank you for all that you do kurzgesagt, you are an amazing channel, and you have done so much for the advancement of the sciences.
605 |
"The scale of the universe is brain crushing and trying to keep a track of how everything is oriented or decide where the best up and down is hard. But it doesn't really matter. Because it doesn't change where you are. You're already in the best spot you could possibly be...right here, right now. For all you care nothing can stop you from being right at the center of your own little universe."
What a nice way to put it. Kurzgesagt, you beauty!
742 |
7:11 "The jiggle of existence" is my new favorite way to describe anything remotely related to the Earth or the actions of humanity.
29 |
the visual [5:38] of our solar system "diving down and shooting up like a drunk dolphin" is probably one of my favorites you've ever done. it's just so pretty... and so nice to think about. idk it's soothing. i think i'm just a sucker for pretty space backgrounds...
1.1K |
This ties into the existential crisis I had about feeling trapped behind my eyes and knowing I would never be able to see the world from another point of view, and no one would know what it's like to feel what I feel or hear what I'm thinking, and when my eyes close, that's it. No more world. I won't suddenly switch perspectives from another "universe." It felt very, very isolating. This tied into that, because where I am, no one else will ever be, and vice versa.
16 |
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4.1K |