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Genre: Education
Uploaded At Apr 29, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
A mathematician friend of mine pointed to 16:39 and reminded me not to put infinity directly in the integral limits. I told him that if I ever dealt with a black hole as an engineer, I'll remember not to
181 |
As a german, I'm still stunned how a person with the name "Schwarzschild" could predict the radius of a black hole. It's such an unbelievable semantic coincident, as it basically is translated to "Blackshield"... Feels very weird hearing this, as I couldn't imagine a better word describing this phenomenon.
3.9K |
This is probably the hardest thing about math. When you get this deep into math in college, it all becomes just numbers, variables, expressions, and equations. Things start to remove themselves from a tangible way of understanding.
Breaking it down like this so all of it can be consumed and comprehended in such a simple fashion while still being awe-inspiring is the most astounding things that people can do in STEM fields. People explaining an entire field like this in such a tangible fashion is so important and hard to come by.
1.9K |
I see a lot of smart physicists and astrophysicists in the comments being blown away by explaining and visualizing the diagrams, but I am just a regular guy who works in marketing and is simply fascinated by this stuff. I don't understand nearly as much as was intended for me in these videos, but I am infinitely grateful that I can still get something as complicated as this thanks to your impeccable delivery of information. Thanks Veritasium!
1K |
22:38 . "Now your entire future is in blackhole." Most relatable line ever.
1.3K |
4 months ago
If you want to pull your data out of a black hole of data brokers, then head to incogni.com/veritasium and use code veritasium to get 60% off an annual plan.
2.6K |