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Over-optimization may be your downfall!
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19,502 Views ā€¢ May 8, 2024 ā€¢ Click to toggle off description
Controversial, maybe! But hear me out.

Iā€™m not saying you should never meditate (itā€™s actually great). And if you find cold showers are helpful for youā€¦ go for it!

But I think itā€™s useful to stop and weigh up the benefits of some of these things versus the costs. Not to mention the whole philosophy of optimising every last detail of your routine.

Certainly donā€™t feel any pressure to take off your shoes and go outside in the morning if itā€™s not practical because youā€™re a busy parent.

We have a bit of a tendency to over-simplify the human body. We see a study that shows X supplement raises testosterone, or that shows that doing Y behaviour boosts dopamine.

But we forget to ask the important questions: what else could you do to get that same effect? Does that change actually have a noticeable impact? Is the study even reliable? How practical is this?

For example: it might sound great that a certain supplement raises testosterone, until you learn that the study was on people with a specific condition and may not apply to the general population. Or until you realise that a tiny boost in testosterone actually isnā€™t gauranteed to noticeably impact your muscle mass, energy, or mood (the body is far more nuanced than that).

Likewise, cold showers might build discipline. But so does exercise. And exercise doesnā€™t involve blasting yourself with freezing morning. Warm showers are nice - enjoy them!

Ice baths, meanwhile, take forever to run. And cost a fortune. And waste water.

They may raise dopamine, but not necessarily in the specific parts of the brain linked to productivity. And so, too, does chocolate, coffee, and countless other things. And a traffic jam can still completely change your mood.

If someone is telling you to only hang out with people who are high achieversā€¦ I mean thatā€™s just desperately sad as far as Iā€™m concerned. And who defines an ā€œachieverā€ anyway?

The list goes on. Itā€™s not to say donā€™t do these things if they work for you. Itā€™s to ask if you really NEED them. Because at a certain point, youā€™re just spending hours and huge amounts of cash all so that you can send a few more emails.

Iā€™m all about fitness and human performance. I think itā€™s cool. But itā€™s okay to just enjoy stuff sometimes. To just relax. Not everything has to be optimised.

Especially seeing as half of it barely works, anyway.

And if you think all these optimisations are going to turn you into some hyper-productive chad that everyone respectsā€¦ Iā€™m sorry to say it doesnā€™t work like that.

And thatā€™s probably not the right goal to begin with.
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Views : 19,502
Genre: Howto & Style
Date of upload: May 8, 2024 ^^

Rating : 4.948 (25/1,899 LTDR)

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RYD date created : 2024-06-08T17:20:13.319577Z
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YouTube Comments - 65 Comments

Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 month ago

Should go without saying. But we all need reminders.

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1 month ago

"Optimal" is the enemy of progress.

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1 month ago

Love this short, I fell into this exact trap trying to exercise every muscle in my body because if I miss one then my strength balance is going to be off and before long I wasn't exercising anymore because it was too much of a chore to keep record of which muscles had been worked today and which hadn't. After a couple of years I started exercising again and now I'm just doing some push, some pull, some legs, and some core and if today I'm not in the mood for crunches I'll do leg raises and so forth and it feels alot easier to stick to the gym with this change in mindset.

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1 month ago

Apply that to every aspect of life, enjoy the ride. Strive to have fun and enjoy the things you do, trying to optimize every single aspect will only lead to frustration

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1 month ago

Fitnesss often applies to your spiritual journey too. "Why should you destroy yourself by being overly righteous?" Ecclesiastes 7:16

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1 month ago

I take cold showers cuz the weather is too hot to get in hot water

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1 month ago

Great points. I see all these things as tools. I donā€™t use every tool in my tool box every day. I use a specific tool for a specific job. I meditate regularly, but not religiously; it helps me stay centered. I try to get outside in the sunlight, but I donā€™t manage every day. I try to get to bed around the same time each night but sometimes I stay up and watch a movie. Sometimes a cold shower is a nice mental reset, and it helps me sleep on hot nights.

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1 month ago

I agree, but if one were to choose just one of these I would go for the proper sleep hygiene. Having a routine to stop screen and light exposure 1 hour before bed, sun exposure within the first hour of waking, and +/- 30minutes of the same sleep/wake timing (nights out excluded) is so easy and so good. Btw THANK YOU Bioneer for introducing me to vivobarefoot, I just got my first pair with your code and I absolutely love them. Probably wont ever going back to regular shoes now šŸ˜‚

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1 month ago

This is so nice to hear as a fellow pt i can fill up my day wiith theoretical bio hacks amd then avlchieve nothing because i spent the day planning . Optimization is only worth its time for 1% pro athletes etc. For most youre better off pushing harder on your current rpe8's that are really rpe5 ...(we all do it ) before the crybabies chime inšŸ˜‚

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1 month ago

Absolutely spot on!



1 month ago

Exactly. Find what works for (and is fun for) you and just stick with that.



1 month ago

Brilliantly said

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1 month ago

Cold baths were a lower hanging fruit for me when I was depressed than even taking a walk. Thatā€™s being said, as Iā€™ve started to work out, the mental gains have been much bigger than the cold exposure.



1 month ago

In general I just think the abstraction of fitness and economy of it has become excessive & self -defeating. The primary limiting factor for most will just be application and as you mention at the end: Joy. Constantly being saturated with these gimmicks, info bites or marginal hacks can be so distracting , many prisoners will figure it out . Ultra instinct !

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1 month ago

Fitness should be fun!

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1 month ago

tbh i find taking a cold shower much harder than working out

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