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Enlightenment is not a goal and cannot be an objective | Prabhuji
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383 Views ā€¢ Aug 11, 2024 ā€¢ Click to toggle off description
To learn more about Prabhuji, please visit: www.prabhuji.net/
Prabhuji on Facebook: www.facebook.com/MysticAvadhuta/
Store: prabhujisgifts.com/
Prabhuji is a writer, painter, and avadhūta mystic. In 2011, he chose to retire from society and lead a silent and contemplative life as a hermit. He spends his days in solitude, writing, painting, praying, and meditating.
Prabhuji does not accept the role of a religious authority figure that people have been trying for years to attribute to him. Although many consider him to be an enlightened being, he does not claim to be a preacher, guide, coach, content creator, influencer, preceptor, mentor, counselor, consultant, monitor, tutor, teacher, instructor, educator, enlightener, pedagogue, evangelist, rabbi, posek halacha, healer, therapist, satsangist, psychic, leader, medium, savior, or guru. He has retired from all public activity and does not offer sat-saį¹…gs, lectures, gatherings, retreats, seminars, meetings, study groups, or courses.
For 15 years (1995ā€“2010), Prabhuji accepted the requests of a few people who expressly asked to become disciples. In 2010, he took the irrevocable decision to refuse any further requests. He objects to social, organized, and community religiosity. His message does not promote collective spirituality, but individual and inner searching.
Prabhuji does not proselytize. Through his statements, he does not try to persuade, convince, or make anyone change their perspective, philosophy, or religion. Prabhuji shares his message fraternally with no intention of attracting disciples, visitors, or followers. Currently, he writes books and gives talks, only to the handful of disciples and friends who accompany him.
With the purpose of preserving his message of wisdom, his disciples and friends seek to perpetuate his legacy by distributing his books, paintings, poems, melodies, websites, and videos of talks given to small groups of disciples at the Prabhuji Ashram.
The Prabhuji Ashram is non-commercial and operates without soliciting donations or contributions. Its activities are funded by Prabhujiā€™s Gifts, a non-profit company founded by Prabhuji, which sells esoteric items from different traditions that he himself has used for spiritual practices during his evolutionary process. Its mission is to preserve and disseminate traditional religious, mystical, and ancestral crafts, as well as to distribute spiritual books.
We ask everyone to respect his privacy and not to try to contact him, by any means, for interviews, blessings, śaktipāta, initiations, or personal visits.
This YouTube channel is not administered by Prabhuji himself but by a few of his disciples and friends, with the purpose of preserving his message of wisdom. Don't feel obligated to subscribe to the channel, comment, or ā€œlikeā€ this video.
#enlightenment #meditation #conciousness
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Views : 383
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 11, 2024 ^^

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