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24 Views • Sep 16, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
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Side Lateral Walks with Hip Abduction using a light to medium band performing at a slow and controlled motion; this exercise will have your glutes on fire! It is very effective when strengthening your hips and glutes. I recommend 8-12 side steps (going and coming) 4 sets will most definitely get the job done.

▫️There are four places you can place your resistance band; just above the knees tight enough so it stays up by itself, under your knees around your shin area, around your ankles, or around your feet. My favorite for this exercise is around my ankles.

▫️Open the legs to slightly wider than  hip width  apart and turn the feet outwards. Now stretch the band by rotating the thighs outwards, so that your knees are in line with your feet. In doing so, you should feel the glute muscles contract.

▫️Keeping the knees rotated outwards and tension on the band, lower yourself into a slight squat position.

▫️Take one step sideways against the resistance of the band as far as you can to get that range.

▫️Make sure the other leg stays still, pushing out against the band while you perform a side kick.

▫️Now take a half step inwards with the opposite leg.

Key Information: Crab Walk is similar to Lateral Walk. Big difference is the depth in your squat. Crab walk requires you to go significantly lower than Lateral Walk.

Muscles Worked: gluteus medius and maximus.

Enjoy!! 🤗

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Views : 24
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 16, 2022 ^^

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