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Views : 703,300
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 18, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
It warms my heart to see people in this modern age embracing traditional ways. As a child of a traditional run family I can say that my parents' sacrifices had a very positive life long impact on their children's lives. I'm very grateful for their sacrifices and tip my hat to people today that decide to live a traditional lifestyle. I have no doubt that the world would be a much better place and we wouldn't have as many issues as we have today if more people adopted this lifestyle today. Thank you for this video and for your channel. I hope it is an inspiration to others to consider adopting this lifestyle for the betterment of their family and be a role model for others.
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My mom and dad met when they were 9. Were married for 60 years. Mom was the traditional 1950/60s housewife. She restarted working with our local school district when the last of their 6 kids was in high school. Together they raised a beautiful family of 6 loving kids and had a wonderful, successful, fulfilled life including lifelong friends, community, church, travel, grandkids and great-grandkids. Mom is a still active 90 year old. Love you always and THANK YOU so much mom and dad for a wonderful childhood!
86 |
Ive worked several jobs and when my husband made enough to support us and our baby i immediately quit my job and never looked back. Ive never felt so happy and more fulfilled in my like. Spending all day with my toddler and raising him is the best job in the world to me. I love being at home cooking meals for my family and supporting them in a way that only I can. Its the best thing in the world. I never want to return to work.
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My mum was a class act, absolutely beautiful woman who’d get dressed up just to go to the store around the corner. It’s a far cry from my active wear & messy bun… but I’m so busy and tired I have to select where my energy is spent. I wish I could be more of a trad wife - I know my husband would love it also! I applaud you for valuing this - it’s missing in todays society for sure!
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1 year ago
I love being a homemaker and stay at home mom and it makes me so happy to see other people wanting this life too!
1.3K |