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Views : 5,524
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 6, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.973 (2/292 LTDR)
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User score: 98.98- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-05-07T00:05:28.866599Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Military units are necessary, have always been. I wanted to join once. Then I learned I have no tolerance for pedantic nonsense, and learned the military is FULL of it, everything from college officers to dress uniforms. Deciding I don't want to be eternally frustrated ain't weakness, it's deciding not to sit there and accept a frustrating life, and especially not under this government. Not even just the president, damn near everyone from him on down.
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The military is the worst it’s ever been right now. Quality of training, quality of life, and quality of command are all down. The Army just defunded 130 million dollars from their Aviation Training Program after multiple fatal crashes have already happened this year. Ask anyone who’s not an officer that’s not reenlisting.
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10 months ago
If “Thank me for my service” was a person.
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