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Have you ever wondered why we can drink hot liquid from a paper cup
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44 Views • May 19, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 44
Genre: Entertainment
Date of upload: May 19, 2024 ^^

Rating : 5 (0/16 LTDR)

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User score: 100.00- Overwhelmingly Positive

RYD date created : 2024-05-19T11:14:42.338365Z
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YouTube Comments - 17 Comments

Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 month ago

I’ve always wondered about that, also bottled water can have an effect if constantly used over the years

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4 weeks ago

Saw another video where the guy dissolved a metal drinks can. It too was lined with this plastic. It prevents the aluminum from altering the taste of the drink. We have no idea what we put into our bodies daily.

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1 month ago

Kfc bucket...the same.😮

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4 weeks ago

Some plastics contain BPA which is known to block and mimic hormones and is especially bad in Children, namely those going through puberty. Conveniently when gender dysphoria was normalised overnight back around 2014/2015 they also seemingly stopped researching the relation between BPA and Sexuality.

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4 weeks ago

Bizarre that ive just seen a news item about micro plastics being found in human testicles.

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4 weeks ago

I love coffee but i always take on glass stuff. I can taste the bad stuff when i drink in other materials. Trust ur tongue sometimes help

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2 weeks ago

Same in aluminium cans, the inside is coated with plastic to not impair the flavour



1 month ago

Dang. Everything bad for our health.

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1 month ago

I knew there were other reasons why I hated Starbucks besides the God awful coffee and nasty holiday flavors. I get physically nauseous when I smell pumpkin spice! I have PPTSD... Post Pumpkin Traumatic Stress Disorder I once had to be talked down from the roof of a Applebee's during Christmas when a hostess walked by with slices of fruitcake and eggnog... Anyhow, after I got out of the hospital next Thanksgiving everything was going great until I saw a cooking video on how they get the stuffing into the turkey... But yeah, Micro plastics bro. Makes you wonder why companies that have been poisoning people aren't immediately shut down and sanctioned by the guv'ment to stop the toxicity? Almost seems like they already knew this stuff and ignored it for the profit and maybe even to poison people on a massive scale? Remember, this is a "for profit" medical/healthcare system and what better way to make people not only addicted to your products but with the added benefit of creating a post-secondary market of healthcare issues. My advice, stay away from name brand corporate products and don't eat foods that were made in factories and by people who's only notice is to extract the maximum amount of profits for the smallest investment. Any of you saying capitalism is the answer then explain this? Capitalism created the conditions where public health is second to profits. The same way the communists put the health of their citizens second to state excesses, power and funding foreign wars. Same shit, different facade. The Austrian painter warned us that capitalism and communism were different sides of the same globalist coin. Read the book by Antony C Sutton called 'Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution' where he outlines how American bankers and industrialists funded and equipped the Bolsheviks then profited from the slaughter of 60,000,000 Russians and the enslavement of Eastern Europe. (Gulp, glug glug glug... Ahhh. Time my psychotropic, allergy, sleep, migraine, blood pressure and weight loss medications. They always go down best with some hot caffeinated swill full of sugars, fats, heavy metals and micro plastics.)

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