漢英對照 唐詩三百首 | Chinese-English 300 Tang Poems

344 videos • 1,023 views • by Liberink 關於唐詩 唐詩是中國文學史上最輝煌的一頁,代表了中國古典詩歌的最高成就。唐代(618-907年)是中國詩歌的黃金時期,眾多詩人創作了大量傳世之作,如李白的豪放詩、杜甫的憂國憂民詩、王維的山水田園詩等。唐詩題材廣泛,形式多樣,其中以五言和七言詩最為流行。唐詩的語言優美、意境深遠,對後世影響深遠。 About Tang Poetry Tang poetry represents a glorious chapter in the history of Chinese literature and stands as the pinnacle of classical Chinese poetry. During the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), a golden age of poetry, many poets produced works of enduring fame. Li Bai is noted for his bold and uninhibited style, Du Fu for his deep concern for his country and its people, and Wang Wei for his pastoral and landscape poetry. With a wide range of themes and various forms, five-character and seven-character poems were particularly popular. Tang poems are renowned for their elegant language and profound artistic conception, leaving a lasting influence on generations to come. #TangPoetry #ChineseCulture #BilingualPoetry #ClassicalChinesePoetry #LearnChinese #PoetryReading #ChineseEnglishLearning #TangDynastyPoems #ChineseLiterature #PoeticHeritage #AncientChinesePoems #PoetryTranslation #ChinesePoetryInEnglish #CulturalExchange #EastWestPoetics