Teachings with Venerable Tenzin Legtsok - Feb 2023

3 videos • 33 views • by Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre Delhi In this two-part series, Geshe Tenzin Legtsok guides us on - APPROACHING THE DHARMA: The Dharma taught by Shakyamuni Buddha is both vast, covering all range of topics, and profound, looking into the most fundamental nature of things. There are as many ways to approach and engage with it as there are individuals who seek to learn its’ ways. Some frameworks to organize the teachings are into the view of dependent arising and practice of compassion, the basis, path, and result, or the Four Noble Truths. Whichever way we approach the Dharma it is essential that we do so in a way that it speaks to us and inspires us to transform into better persons. WORKING WITH ATTACHMENT: Attachment is a deceptive foe. It appears to be a source of satisfaction but slyly leads us into ruin, again and again. The Vaibhāṣika consider it the root of samsara. Although the higher schools do not, for us ordinary folk it is one of the most difficult afflictive emotions to reduce significantly. The first step is to clearly define it, conceptually and in our experience. The next is to see its many drawbacks, and then to recognize alternatives, and meditate on antidotes repeatedly. ANGER: Anger is the great destroyer. It makes us miserable, makes those around us uncomfortable or worse, destroys our merits, and singes the seeds of our loving compassion. Like most emotions, it exists on a scale from very strong and easily identifiable, to very mild and easily overlooked. In any form it occurs, although it often seems to be the arbiter of justice, the one primarily harmed by one’s anger is oneself. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take time to reflect on what it is, how it operates, and how we can become more patient and tolerant instead.