Eight Verses of Training the Mind by Kabir Saxena
5 videos • 27 views • by Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre Delhi An Investigation and reflections on the Eight Verses of Training the Mind April 2022 Led by Kabir Saxena Spiritual Programme Coordinator (SPC) of Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre Delhi Composed by the Buddhist Master Langri Tangpa (1054-1123), Eight Verses for Training the Mind is a highly revered text from the Mahayana Lojong (mind training) tradition. These instructions offer essential practices for cultivating the awakening mind of compassion, wisdom, and love. This eight-verse lojong enshrines the very heart of Dharma, revealing the true essence of the Mahayana path to liberation. Even a single line of this practice can be seen as encapsulating the entire teaching of the Buddha. For even a single statement of this mind training practice has the incredible power to help us subdue our self-oriented behavior and mental afflictions.