Bodhicitta Teachings led by Venerable Lhundup Jamyang - June 2023
7 videos • 121 views • by Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre Delhi In this series of 5 teachings, Venerable Lhundup Jamyang talks about the incredible mind of bodhicitta or the mind of enlightenment. It is said that bodhicitta only has benefits and no disadvantages. It is the most powerful mind to destroy the cause of all our suffering, which is the self-cherishing mind, and to bring only happiness to oneself and others. According to Lama Zopa Rinpoche, bodhicitta is the thought to benefit every single sentient being without exception, not excluding one single being. It is the thought to benefit every being on the ground, in the ground, in the sea, in the air — every ant on every mountain, every fish in every ocean, every bird and insect in every field, every single sentient being in all the six realms.