44 videos • 103 views • by GF7FIT Eddie G here from GRACE FITNESS 7 AKA GF7FIT and I've been a long time fan of the Cus d' Amato boxing system made famous by Mike Tyson, this is why I incorporate this system into my boxing videos This is why I currently update this playlist because cardio doesn't have to be boring, so I try to motivate people to workout and throwing punches is a great way to beat stress My goal as a certified personal trainer is to motivate people to get moving to reach their goal weight and this boxing system burns the most calories since there is always constant movement #cusdamato #miketyson #teddyatlas #kevinrooney #peekaboo #peekabooboxing #miketysontraining #miketysonstyle #cardiobox #funcardio #boxingcardio #boxing #gf7fit #gracefitness7 #gf7fitboxing #movedaily #healthylifestyle #healthyheart #healthybrain