Certified Quality Songs

354 videos • 1,024 views • by ReddoFreddo The world is a chaotic abyss, a labyrinth. I'm a puppet, dancing on the strings of fate, doomed to suffer. The path is shrouded in fog, the future a cruel illusion. I grasp at straws, deluded by a glimmer of hope, but my hands find nothing. Like a leaf in the storm, I'm tossed about, unable to escape the howling winds of fate. My dreams are a mirage in this empty desert. Trapped within a cage of my own despair, I plummet towards a pit of emptiness, unable to escape the grip of hope. In this terrifying reality, all I have are the connections I make with others who share my fate, and so with that said, I hope you like some of the same music I do. It may not be able to change our fate, but it can give us the strength to keep dancing on the strings of our own destiny.