Hello everyone, this is Kartikeya Ladha and Team! 🌟 We're thrilled to welcome you to my YouTube channel, where I'll be sharing my personal journey as an author and the inspiration behind my books – "Life Unknown," "Dream Beyond Shadows," "Figure out your why," and "UNHERD."
Join me on this journey where I'll be inviting people from different walks of life, engaging in conversations that touch the untouched, explore the raw, and delve into the unexplored. It'll be like connecting with reality.
Grateful for the love, my previous books have become Amazon bestsellers, featured in over 87 newspapers, and highlighted on news channels like Zee News & more. My Recent book UNHERD is not just a book; it's a movement that transcends borders and connects hearts.
Stay tuned for more inspiring content and authentic connections! Your support means the world to us! Thank you for joining this incredible journey! 📚 ✨ #author #KartikeyaLadha #podcast #liveinterview