Het is NU de Tijd om Thuis te komen in jezelf en je daadwerkelijk en voelbaar te gaan her-inneren wie je wezenlijk bent.
Crystal Owl - Consulten, WisdomTeachings &
Ceremoniële bijEENkomsten.
The time to re-member who we truly Are and the time to unite with the Source of all that is, is here and NOW.
In all the old prophecies it is said that these times we are living in right now leads us towards remembering that WE are the Ones we are waiting for.
For eons of time power has been given away towards others. We now may come to understand and truly feel, that we, ourselves are the One. That we are the creators of the new Worldvision.
This re-membering can be felt and known!
To be able to Open up our infinite heart leads us towards understanding that we ARE pure by itself and that we are in fact Infinite Light.
Many blessings!
May all beings Thrive!
EekeSjoukje Roodvoets
Crystal Owl, the Netherlands