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When a man sings out of tune in front of passersby (Prank) 听见小伙大声唱歌却唱跑调时,有人笑倒在草地上 #shorts "Be confident in life." (Social Experiment) 当听见盲人小伙被分手,路人姐姐的劝说太暖心了 #shorts "Shame on you!" (Social Experiment) 看到高个子女生被当街辱骂,小姐姐霸气地站了出来 #shorts When passersby hear a boy sing out of tune (Prank) 听到男生唱歌跑调而不自知,小哥哥火速逃离现场 #shorts When a tall girl is judged by a man in public (Social Experiment) 看到高个子女生被陌生男人羞辱,路人小哥暖心解围 #shorts When a shy boy asks girls for WeChat (Prank) 当内向男生鼓起勇气搭讪女生时,小姐姐们的反应太可爱了 #shorts "It's her freedom to wear anything."(Social Experiment) 当女孩因穿紧身裤而被辱骂,路人小哥哥看不下去了 #shorts "Just be brave and direct."(Prank) 当内向男生鼓起勇气搭讪女生时,路人小姐姐温柔鼓励他“别紧张” #shorts "I can't bear it at all."(Prank) 当东北女生听到土味情话时,小姐姐直呼“受不了了” #shorts Men are praised by girls for their basketball skills (Prank) 当男生展示篮球技术时收到女生们的夸赞 #shorts When girls hear cheesy pickup lines (Prank) 当东北女孩们听见土味情话,她们的表情太有趣了 #shorts Man with a ponytail is insulted in public (Social Experiment) 男生因扎小辫而被当众辱骂,路人看不下去了 #shorts When a man says cheesy pickup lines to girls (Prank) 当男生对东北女孩说土味情话,她们的反应太可爱啦 #shorts Let's have a pillow fight! (Prank) 随机与路人开启一场枕头大战吧 #shorts "Wow, brilliant and so cool!" (Prank) 当男生教女生打篮球时收到超多夸赞,他们的笑容藏不住了 #shorts "I don't think it's me."(Prank) 当女生错把路人当成相亲对象,小哥哥的反应太好笑了 #shorts When a pregnant woman can't tie her shoes by herself (Social Experiment) 他们蹲下为孕妇系鞋带的样子好暖 #shorts When people are told fake spoilers in the cinema (Prank) 当看电影前被人剧透,路人们的反应太精彩了 #shortsshorts 剧透 “Could you pretend to be my boyfriend?” (Prank) 当女生请路人小伙假扮男友应付相亲 #shorts "You're so pretty." (Social Experiment) 当女生被陌生女孩夸赞时,她们瞬间心花怒放 #shorts Asking strangers to pretend boyfriend to answer father's call (Prank) 当女生请路人男生假扮男友应付相亲 #shorts When saying hello to strangers (Social Experiment) 当陌生小伙对路人说你好,他们的反应太有趣了 #shorts When girls are praised by a strange girl (Social Experiment) 当女生被陌生女孩夸赞时,她们笑得太甜了 #shorts Say Ni Hao to Strangers in China (Social Experiment) 收到陌生人的问好,路人小哥的表情充满了疑惑 #shorts "Always take care."(Social Experiment) 看见女孩因胃疼蹲在路边,善良的她们热心地送上热水 #shorts When a man sits at the wrong table on his date (Prank) 当男生在咖啡店坐错位置,路人们的反应太好笑了 #shorts When a girl squats at the roadside with a stomachache (Social Experiment) 女生因胃痛而蹲在路边 #shorts When seeing a girl sprained her foot because of wearing high-heeled shoes 看见女生穿高跟鞋崴脚#shorts "Don't be discouraged. Be positive."(Social Experiment) 看见盲人小伙被撞倒,路人小哥主动牵起了他的手 #shorts Disabled Man Eating with Shaky Hands in Restaurant (Social Experiment)看见男生手抖吃饭困难,路人小哥暖心帮助 Thank you for holding the suitcase for the sleeping girl.(Social Experiment) 当女生趴在不稳的行李箱上睡着时 #shorts A girl asks the way while dancing (Prank) 当女生一边跳舞一边问路,路人也跟着跳起来了 #shorts "Let me carry it for you."(Social Experiment) 看到孕妇独自提重物,路人小哥主动上前帮忙 #shorts Girl shares her suffering about sexual harassment (Street Interview) 你经历过性骚扰吗?#shorts "She has the freedom to wear anything." (Social Experiment) 当看到阿姨辱骂穿运动内衣的女生时 #shorts Girl doesn't aware she is hanging toilet paper behind her (Social Experiment) 当女生身后挂着卫生纸却不知道 #shorts "You're doing a really great thing." (Social Experiment) “你在做一项很伟大的事。” #shorts Why do you have sh*t on your head? (Prank) 假装对路人说“你头上怎么有大便” #shorts The adolescent girl doesn't know she gets her first period (Social Experiment) 当小女孩第一次来月经 #shorts Thank the people for helping the blind girl. (Social Experiment) 当盲人女孩的头绳掉了,路人们的反应太暖心了 #shorts Share hand cream with strangers (Prank) 收到女生分享的护手霜,小哥哥的笑容藏不住了 #shorts "You must be tired." (Social Experiment) “你也不容易”农民工因为太累而靠在路人肩膀上睡着时,有人这样对他说 #shorts All the restaurant owners are so kind-hearted.(Social Experiment) 当拾荒老人向店员要废品,他们的反应太温暖了 #shorts When a man keeps taking off his T-shirt. (Prank) 看到男生脱了很多件衣服,路人小姐姐实在忍不住笑了 #shorts "Kids shouldn't smoke." (Social Experiment) 当十岁的小男孩去商店买烟时,店员会卖给他吗? #shorts Thank you for bringing this simple happiness to the child (Social Experiment) 路人主动邀请女孩一起玩跷跷板 #shorts Will the cars slow down for the pedestrians on a rainy day?(Social Experiment)雨天车辆路过水坑时会减速吗? #shorts "You've stepped forward." (Social Experiment) “你已经迈出一步了”当低智男生请路人帮忙拍照时,有人这样对他说 #shorts