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Satish PD

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Satish Sports Update here..Original Content of Club and High

4th boys long jump pratice.. #sports #longjump #physicaleducation 2nd place selected for District level.. In SGF 1st place selected for District level.. In SGF SGF Constituency level 1st place SGF District level 1st and 2nd My Students in 100 meters.. πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡ Practicing Time.. #schoollife #loverunning #throws #discuss Drills Pratice #schoollife #loverunning #runners #football #army Morning Pratice #schoollife #loverunning #runners #football #runeveryday Runs Pratice #schoollife #loverunning #runner #running #100meter #shortrun Foot ball Kicks Pratice #footballshorts #football #footballskills #footballnews #schoollife pratice Time.. #schoollife #loverunning SGF District selection 100mrts 1st place #schoollife #loverunning 100Mtrs Run #schoollife #runner #running shot put District Selection #schoollife Discuss Throw #Discuss #schoollife #school #sports #shotput. Teachers Day Celebracation.. πŸ’#teachersday #teachers #headmistress #schoollife #school #servite. #schoollife #army #shuffle #fieldevents #school #dance #trackandfield #army #schoollife #school #shotput UKG alluri sitarama raju speech #schoollife #school #kids #Kidsvideos #independenceday #speech. LKG Student speech for 15th August.#schoollife #army #shotput #shuffle #freedomfighter #Kids #school Body Warmup.. #schoollife #dance #kid #shotput #trackandfield #fieldevents Genaral Warmup before playing game.. #schoollife #dance #shotput #trackandfield #kid #fieldevents Foot Ball Pratice Time# Short Video#students #schoollife #footballshorts #footballskills #shorts Under 14 Boys ShotPut.#shotputthrow #shotputworkout #shotput Under 14 Girls 200 meter Final.. Under 17 SGF 200 Meters 1st place Servite student.. Under 14 SGF 200 meters 1st and 3rd Servite Boys.. Under 17 Boys SGF Discuss throw First place 33.50Mtrs Servite School. #students #discuslovers #throw under 17 Girls Discus First place 19.50meters in SGF.. Funny Sack Race... πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ In SGF Selection Servite School Students..High Jump#students #highschoolsports #highjump # heart touching music #music #musicvideo #musica #musician