this channel features music related content geared towards beginners to moderately experienced users , a lot of diy . mostly electronics / music based technology diy . also there are guitar effects pedals diy stuff , silly stuff , and projects i have taken time on . i speak a lot . its a place where i can share my love of music and diy , sometimes hacking recycled stuff together on the cheap . there is some professional demo work i have done , original music , and the family bands work as well . there is also some vape related content , but i am no longer using an ecig or vaping . i did that for a while to aid in cessation and i am now stable and happily nicotine free for a long time and will not be smoking or vaping or ingesting nicotine in any form . the amps we use when we do the remote jams are battery powered , i have built all of that stuff over the years as well , so the remote jams are demos for the gear i build / hacked together.