Hello friends my name is sehajpreetSingh form patiala.Punjab I 'm a dog breeder and l am mostly work in a two dog breed pug & FrenchBulldog and through this channel for share my dog breeding experience and information for pug & frenchbulldogs so please support to me and like my channel & videos#puglife& french bulls#pug#home breeding dog's #sehajpreet#cutedog's#bestbreederinindia#championpug dog#dog lover#dogis foreverfriends#beautifuldog#pugvideo#pugpuppy#mostbeautifulin India##improtlinepugdog####pug dog#Frenchbulldog#puglife& french bulls#
#contract me 6283755830
#E-mail sehajp284@gmail.com
#mere channel pe only meri home breeding ke bache ki hei video meilgi#l 'm not puppy mealer#please purchase dog to dog breeds because breeding is a art