✨Abt me✨
- I'm a teenager 🏄♀️
- my fav colors are blue and pink 🌻
- I'm your local shopaholic 🤑🤑
- my aesthetic is preppy 🌸
- birth month February ♓️
- loves skinCareeee 🫧
- sport soccer ⚽️
- I have 1 hamster
- I'm 5ft
- I love selfCareeee🧴
- my fav season is summer but FALL 🍁☀️
✨My people✨
✨Sub goals✨
- 600?✅
- 650?✅
- 700?✅
- 750?✅
- 800?✅
- 850?
- 900?
- 950?
- 1050
Thank you for the support!! I rlly appreciate every one of you! Also always feel free to comment and give me any vid ideas 💡
peace and loveeee