in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
This video breaks down a short move that caught my eye. I saw it on the @TheSalsaBeat channel. A shout out to Juan & Erica 2 amazing instructors and fellow Youtubers. I'm a big fan of their channel go check it out!
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Join us tomorrow ( Thursday 31st ) at 9am for our Halloween Edition watch party & live chat. Topic of discussion is it possible to learn Salsa without actually counting the beats?
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20 years of joy, laughter, and of course, Salsa. To mark this special occasion, we’ve decided to take a trip down memory lane and revisit some of the most significant moments in our history through a series of videos. This month, join us as we dive into the memories that have shaped our salsa school.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the entire Baila Productions team, both past and present. Without your dedication and passion for teaching, our school would not be what it is today. Your contribution is invaluable, and it is because of you that Baila Productions continues to shine even brighter.
Lastly, I want to extend a huge thank you to you, dear students. Thank you for trusting us.Thank you for taking of your time to watch our videos. Thank you to those who have been with us for so many years. Your loyalty gives us the energy to continue sharing this passion with you.
Baila Productions célèbre ses 20 ans !
20 ans de plaisir, de rires et bien sûr, de salsa. Pour marquer cet anniversaire, nous avons décidé de revenir en arrière et de revisiter les moments forts de notre histoire à travers une série de vidéos. Ce mois-ci, plongez avec nous dans les souvenirs qui ont façonné notre école de salsa!
Je tiens à exprimer ma profonde gratitude à toute l'équipe de Baila Productions, passée et présente. Sans votre dévouement et votre passion pour l'enseignement, notre école ne serait pas ce qu'elle est aujourd'hui. Votre contribution est inestimable et c'est grâce à vous que Baila Productions rayonne encore plus fort.
Enfin, je voudrais adresser un immense merci à vous, chers étudiants. Merci de nous faire confiance. Merci de prendre de votre temps pour regarder nos videos. Merci à vous qui êtes à nos côtés depuis tant d’années. Votre fidélité nous touche profondément et nous donne l’énergie de continuer à partager cette passion avec vous.
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Just want to give a big shout out to @danielrosas.official for always creating high quality content. You set the bar very high ;)
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When engaging in any collaborative activity, such as dancing, mistakes are bound to happen from time to time. It is essential to maintain a positive and constructive attitude in such situations and avoid blaming your dance partner. Blaming can lead to tension, frustration, and a deteriorating dance experience for both parties involved. Here are some points to expand on the idea of not blaming your dance partner when mistakes occur :
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Salsa : a shortcut to happiness
Fueled by passion, this channel was created to share Salsa dance techniques, tips, tricks, experiences and some funny bits about our Salsa world.
Through Salsa we inspire you to move, connect and express yourself.
Also, Baila Productions is a Latin Dance School, located in the greater region of Montreal ( Laval, West-Island and Île-Perrot ), that offers Salsa, Merengue, Chachacha et Bachata classes. Our mission is to teach you latin dances in a fun and relaxed environment. Let us share with you our love for Salsa!