Welcome my loves! I’m here to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ, my testimonies, experiences, prophetic dreams, prophetic warnings, messages, Bible teaching and prayer. I will relay instructions as the Holy Spirit leads me.
I pray that all minds are clear and hearts open. Just know this, every word spoken may not be for you. Always seek the Father for confirmation.
Stand on ABBA Father’s Word, pray, humble ourselves and seek Him.....GUARANTEED, your life will never be the same!
Prayer of salvation: Heavenly Father, I’m a sinner. I need and want You to be head of my life. I believe that you came in the flesh, walked the earth. I believe that Jesus the Christ was crucified on the cross and rose on the 3rd day. You resurrected Him and He ascended to Heaven and sits on the right side of the Heavenly throne. You died for my sins and from this day forward I choose to live for You. Shape me, mold me, transform me and purify my heart. Make me over Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. ❤️