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Formerly ConorAviationEdits
4LLL CFOP cuber
posting videos every Friday, Saturday and sunday(if I feel motivated to make videos)
(Ao5: 30.31 secs
Ao10: 34.01 secs
PB: 23.54secs)
q: what's your nationality?
a: Malaysian
q: who inspired you to start speedcubing?
a: SoupTimmy
q: what motivates you to get a new PB?
a: speedcubing/cubing related videos
q: when did you start cubing?
a: ?? December 2024
q: what are you trying to improve?
a: F2L look-ahead
q: when will you start learning all of OLL and PLL?
a: when I get motivated
q: who is your speedcubing idol?
a: yiheng wang
q: what cube is your current main?
a: (3x3) moyu rs3m v5 DA (2x2) YJ (4×4) YJ
q: what is the speedcube that you want the most?
a: moyu rs3m v5 ballcore uv, qiyi m pro V2 pioneer, moyu wrm v10
q: why is your name y perm
a: because it's my least favourite pll
q: have you ever participated in a competition
a: no, but I wish to