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Haoto θ‘‰ιŸ³ - Anime on Piano

18.5K subscribers - no pronouns set

γ€Œγƒ•γ‚‘γ‚€γƒˆγ γ‚ˆοΌγ€ - ι«˜ε‚ η©‚δΉƒζžœ Accurate, Advanced, Artistic, Anime Arran

Haoto θ‘‰ιŸ³ - Anime on Piano
21 hours ago - 157 likes

This is not cool.

It's the first time I've ever seen my own video re-uploaded, and it was recommended to me on my feed.
The video is only 2 days old. With time, it will have more views than my original video.

The reuploaded video is downscaled to 360p with immense video compression, but you can still see my watermark on it.
Despite that, YouTube's Content ID wasn't able to pick this up on YouTube Studio.

Normally, I would either leave a comment or send an email asking the channel to take the video down.
I could use YouTube's copyright system, but I don't want to resort to striking someone either.

Since the video's performing well and the comments on it are quite positive, I'm having the dilemma of letting my video reach a larger audience or just taking it down because I'm not credited for my content.

This post is an abrupt channel update. I thought of asking you guys before making a final decision.
Should the video be taken down, or do I ask the channel to credit me?
The latter is false optimism.

=====\ Edit /=====
I think it should be obvious, but don't go attacking the reuploader.
If you want to help me somehow, you can advise me in the comments below or watch my original video:

Haoto θ‘‰ιŸ³ - Anime on Piano
1 day ago - 605 likes

Koishi kooshed inside me:

Haoto θ‘‰ιŸ³ - Anime on Piano
6 days ago - 252 likes


Haoto θ‘‰ιŸ³ - Anime on Piano
1 week ago - 784 likes

Dude, internet is so slow, I couldn't even arrange music on YouTube.
The posts you see over the past week are scheduled months ahead.

Anyway, this is just a community post updating on my channel's status.
My next video is about Youmu.

Haoto θ‘‰ιŸ³ - Anime on Piano
1 week ago - 246 likes

I want to stick in between crazy.

Haoto θ‘‰ιŸ³ - Anime on Piano
1 week ago - 81 likes

Mr. Bean OP Full Choir Ensemble :

Haoto θ‘‰ιŸ³ - Anime on Piano
1 week ago - 402 likes

I want Star to impale me from behind! 😭 :

Haoto θ‘‰ιŸ³ - Anime on Piano
1 week ago - 274 likes


Haoto θ‘‰ιŸ³ - Anime on Piano
2 weeks ago - 92 likes

In a fight against the Prismriver band, who would be the biggest threat?

Haoto θ‘‰ιŸ³ - Anime on Piano
2 weeks ago - 622 likes

I find it easier to design casual clothes for female characters than male characters because of anime.

Well, at least I gained a sense of fashion thanks to anime. I used to not have it.