Hey I'm angel! 🌹 I enjoy making you tube videos! editing videos, making AMV's, VR chat vids or even just playing games! 🌹 I really enjoy making a lot of Different content (I try to avoid focusing on one area specifically for better content) 🌹 I'm fun vibrant, funny, artistic and enjoyable to watch! 🌹 I love giving random polls for fun or just to vote! 🌹Please note I have many playlists on my channel! 🌹Each is dedicated to a different area of my channel for everyone's connivence! 🌹 Folks that don't know about my channel it's not family friendly, its mostly for teens and adults NOT KIDS! 🌹 So please be advised why I put ALOT of warnings on my videos!🌹One last thing for you: know I do not make any money on my channel🌹My channel is dedicated to entertainment only🌹Not as a Funding/Job for myself🌹This is a hobby, and I enjoy what I do! 🌹 Upload days are the following: Mondays - Fridays Breaktimes: Friday (Night time) - Sundays🌹
Now go enjoy my content and like and subscribe! 🌹